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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Balance is the key

Life is full of uncertainties, full of problems. One way to get around this situation is to improve the circumstances by minimizing uncertainties and reducing the problems to the extent possible. All our achievements, innovations revolve around this approach. This approach has a global effect and helps humanity as a whole.
However, the main catch in this approach is that no matter how much we toil, the uncertainties don’t completely vanish nor our problems. So it is a continuous struggle between nature verses human endeavors. Added to this, more we minimize uncertainties and problems, more we get sensitive to even traces of them. So, our problems continue.

The other approach is to train our minds in such a way that we become indifferent to these problems and we develop equanimity. In such a state, no matter the uncertainties or problems, they don’t affect us at all. This is the approach taken by Buddhism.

Even this approach has shortcomings. Firstly, this approach is totally individual centered. It has no global effect. An individual who can train the mind in such a way, can escape the hardships; but what about those who cannot? The majority of humanity would continue to reel down under uncertainty and misery. We remain passive spectators to all suffering and uncertainties, and there is no moving forward.

What is needed is a balance between these two approaches – keep improving the situations in the best interest of all as well as ourselves, while trying to keep the mind calm and unperturbed.

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