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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Yes, you too can!

We started this Upanishadic story of Nachiketa with a question namely “what happens when someone dies?”. That is how even Nachiketa started. That was just a curiosity question.

But Nachiketa did not stop there. He kept asking questions, kept pondering. He rejected all that that may not lead him to the answers he was keen on getting.

He rejected all worldly pleasures for the sake of the answer to his question. He listened to Yama, the Lord of death who told him the real “story” behind death and the secret behind immortality.

Nachiketa finally attained the ultimate reality.

The Upanishad says that you need to first believe that there is something called ultimate reality that is worth attaining. Otherwise, you will be groping forever in the darkness of worldly mire.

Just belief is not enough. You should listen to people who have experienced it to make your faith more strong. Or read scriptures that tell you that.

Further, you have to withdraw from worldly lures step by step and steady your mind through the process of Yoga and Meditation. When you do all this, you have a “clean mirror” in which you can clearly see that ultimate reality.

The Upanishad asks

“If Nachiketa could do it, why can’t you?”
It says that we can definitely do it and exhorts us to do that.

That seems to be the main message of this Nachiketa’s story that I have taken from Kathopanishad which is part of Yajur Veda. Yajur Veda is one of the four Vedas of ancient India.

 Let me now conclude with a prayer as well as the Mantra for peace (shanti mantra)

saha naavavathu
Let that protect us by imparting the right knowledge
saha nau bhunakthu
Let that protect us by letting us know the result of knowing the truth.
Saha vIryam karavaavahai
Let us attain that power of knowledge
thEjasvi naavadHIthamasthu
Let the knowledge that we attain be very potent, and invigorate us
maa vidhviSHaavahai
Let us not argue on petty things
Om shaanti, shaanthi, shaanthihi
Let there be peace, peace and only peace.
With this prayer, let us move on to another story in the next episode.

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A story of Nachiketa from Katha Upanishad, which is part of Yajur Veda. Upanishads are concluding parts of ancient Indian Vedic scriptures believed to be at least 5000 years old. The interpretation is by Dr.King (Copyright © 2019 Dr. King).

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