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Friday, September 10, 2021

Is there a mind beyond brain?


Contrary to what most people believe, Yoga is not all about ‘twisting and turning’😉. The body postures that are most popular as Yoga today are only a small part of Yoga. The real Yoga is about how we can modulate our minds to achieve various ends.
But do we really know what mind is? Most scientists believe that mind is nothing but the ‘brain in action’. An operating brain is what creates the illusion of an ephemeral entity called mind. But as we go deeper and deeper into Yoga, we realize that this view is very limited. There appears to be much more beyond our brain and the brain captures only a small aspect of our mind.
Many modern Gurus speculate on this issue and talk in terms of mysterious jargon. At the same time, there are some scientists who have an open mind and they try to explore the possibility of mind being beyond the brain. Their conclusions are not mere speculations, but are backed by ‘hard evidence’ that suggests such a possibility. That opens the door to a wide array of things that are hitherto inconceivable to modern science.
In my new audiobook, namely “Part 8 of The Ultimate book on Yoga: Is there a mind beyond the brain?” I elaborate on these ideas. My attempt is to pave way to further deeper understanding of Yoga. I start with some scientific work done in this area by some of the well-known scientists. I also suggest what will be the obvious conclusion of those scientific studies and in what way those conclusions are related to Yoga.
Accepting that there is something about our existence which is beyond the body, forces us to look at the possibility of life beyond death. We are compelled to view the re-birth phenomenon in a new light – not just as a religious belief, but as a scientifically verifiable reality. This book explains how ancient scriptures explain re-birth and how and why exactly it takes place. The well-known theory of Karma, endless cycles of births and death, Yogic way of attaining liberation from this cycle, all make sense once we go beyond the confines of our body.
We gradually transition from science to spirituality, the science as we understand it today. India which had established a well- researched and documented system of Yoga, also has ancient theories that go hand in hand with many of the Yogic ideas which are beyond the realm of modern science. So, as we dive deeper into Yoga, it becomes inevitable for us to get to know of these theories and concepts.
So, my new book serves as a bridge between science and spirituality. We need science to explain things up to a certain point. That is what we did in previous parts of this series. But beyond a point, we need to transition to a whole new arena with myriad possibilities. But we still need the incisive look and questioning attitude, that are the hallmarks of science. So, in a way, we need to blend science with philosophy, leading finally to spirituality. That is what Yoga really is – it is a science that stretches its scope to spirituality.
This is the 8th in the series of audio books under the series title “The Ultimate book on Yoga”. The complete book is also available in e-book format as well as paperback.
As usual, use the link to find this book in your favorite store. This link would take you to the first part of the series. Some stores may list the current part explicitly as a book in the series titled “The Ultimate book on Yoga”, some may show it as “other related books”. In some stores you may have to explicitly search for it using the title in the search box. I am sure that you will find this book very interesting and useful.

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