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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Veda26- Mercy or hypocrisy?!


In the previous episode I raised a serious issue. Is it right to kill a fellow being even if it is meant for the betterment of the entire world? 

The Vedic Indians did indulge in animal sacrifice which they believed would do good to the entire world. When many are benefited, one person’s suffering becomes acceptable. Don’t we expose our soldiers to the mouths of death just to safeguard our nation or our people? Do we ever consider that as wrong? Such things are inevitable sometimes. That is how they seem to justify their acts. I am not using this argument to justify Vedic rituals. I will come to that later.
What we do most of the time is indulging in killing and other merciless acts even when it is not really called for. And we cover it all up by painting ourselves as merciful and kind. We even invent the words “humane and painless way of killing” – whatever that means! That is duplicity.
I remember an agitation that went on in an American University. The protesters were opposing the animal killing that goes on in the labs in the name of animal trials. I don’t know whether we have advanced so much to do away with all animal trials. Some may be inevitable in the larger interest of humanity. But all the same, the protest was laudable. But when the same protesters rush to the cafeteria after the protest rallies, guess what do they ask for? Hamburgers and other meat dishes!
Though there is sizable population of Vegans in America, majority are strictly non vegetarians. And meat is something they must have all three times of the day and may be more! So, what is the protest for? Are we really concerned about other living beings?
Recently I watched a shocking video which claims itself to be promoting “merciful slaughtering of animals”. Killing and mercy? They don’t go together unless you are talking about ‘mercy killing’ or euthanasia for medical reasons.
This video was about the way Muslims slaughter animals, the so-called Halal method where an animal is bled to death. The video is well made and very convincing if only you keep your logical mind in the back burner.
I don’t doubt the honesty of the person who made this video. His claim is that when you utter the name of God in the ears of the animal being slaughtered, the animal willingly submits itself to the slaughter without any resistance. Even the Vedic Indians made similar claim that the animal submits itself to the sacrifice when it is tied close to the fire altar and the fire is set ablaze.
This video which claims itself to be a mercy advocate, is well shot and very convincing. The person shows how the sheep just lies down almost dead when the name of God is uttered into its ears. The person even declares that the sheep even enjoys dying for the cause of God and there is absolutely nothing wrong in killing it!
In case you have any doubts, he clarifies that the sheep are multilingual and no matter the language you use to utter your God’s name, the sheep understands it! Very impressive indeed!
I looked at the comments. I was amazed that a series of watchers who watched this video were all brimming with piety, and even endorsed that as the most merciful way of killing.
But it can’t be. Isn’t that so? No animal would like to submit itself to be slaughtered. All beings love to live on with or without God.
A little thought would have dawned the truth in these pious people. The animal was not submitting itself for the sacrifice but it is only playing dead to escape the predator who has overpowered it. That is the normal survival mechanism exhibited by most creatures. That is their way of distracting the enemy. Why don’t we think in those lines rather than assume things only because someone says so?
I understand that meat eating may be inevitable in some special circumstances – may be unfertile and non-cultivable land or harsh climatic conditions in a totally inaccessible remote region, and so on. But in most cases, we eat meat because we enjoy eating it. Or we are habituated to it. Can we not overcome that? Or at least, can we not avoid justifying that in the name of religion?
One highly popular religious ideologue says that human body is by design omnivorous and God has created animals as our food. And so, there is nothing wrong in killing. But the God never commanded that you should eat meat. It is only an option. You can use your discretion.
The same orator goes on to say that human body cannot be healthy without meat eating. That is not a fact supported by medical evidence nor reality. There are millions of Vegans world over who are living without problem. A sizable majority of people in India are lactovegetarians who have been living quite comfortably for thousands of years.
Yes, ancestors of these Indians did consume meat. They also justified it by giving religious reasons. But did they not amend their ways? Today, animal sacrifice is legally banned in India. Great social reformers like Sankara have substituted animal sacrifice by sacrifice of make-believe effigies as we discussed earlier. Didn’t the society accept it?
I have heard of Muslim communities in India who are vegetarians for centuries. I also came across a Christian from south India who surprised me by saying that Jesus Christ was a Vegetarian. He says that there is no mention of Jesus eating meat anywhere in the Bible! According to him Jesus always ate bread and sometimes fish, but not meat! So, his community celebrates an all Veg Christmas!
To err is human, but to justify it by all weird logic and religious support is demon 😉. By the way, to my knowledge, Quran does not even talk about Halal way of killing animals as Muslims practice it. All that it says is that you should eat only that meat which is offered to Allah or God. So also, may be, the Jewish scriptures. Interestingly, that is also the very wording in the Hindu Manu Smriti for example.
So, next time when you order a Hamburger, ask yourself – do you really care for other living beings?
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A series discussing the most ancient of the Indian scriptures, nay the world scriptures namely the Vedas. © Dr. King, Swami Satyapriya 2021

1 comment:

  1. You have indeed been very bold and candid in speaking your views Swami Satyapriya!! Not spared even the Vedic Indians.Kudos!!
