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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Veda35- World is not an illusion but it is real!


the previous episode, we were talking about how the great philosopher Sankara came up with his theory of illusion or Maya in the process of explaining how the single Atma that alone exists ‘appears’ as many things. 

I am not sure whether there is any basis for this concept of illusion in any of the well-known Upanishads that Sankara often quotes. So, obviously later opponents of Sankara criticized him for inventing this concept. It is a different matter though that their objection was mainly because the concept of Maya as put forth by Sankara, did not fit in their philosophy of personified God.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Veda34- You need to understand the fundamentals!




Many of us often gloat over our limited knowledge. We think that we have understood everything in this world and we deem ourselves qualified to question deep philosophical truths.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Veda33- No amount of wealth can make you happy forever!


the ritual parts of the Vedas the emphasis has been on performing various rituals to please the Devas and get whatever you want from them. This ‘whatever’ refers to worldly riches, good companions and children, a secure and comfortable life, protection from enemies, and may be heavenly abodes after death. But do all these make you happy forever?

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Veda32- We are on a wild goose chase!


I am not even asking – “Are we on a wild goose chase?”. Because I am sure that we are 😉 Looks like all our activities are centered around how to make money! If some activity does not make money, then it is not worth pursuing it. That seems to be our line of thinking.