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Thursday, August 29, 2024

How can Monism (Advaita) and Dualism (Dvaita), with reference to the Upanishads, be shown to be one and the same?



Neither the Advaitis nor the Dwaitis would accept this equation. Each side is biased by what their preceptors have said. And the debate goes on, about which is the right view. I think if we can see that both are same, many confusions would get resolved. But how do we do that within the framework of the Upanishads?

Thursday, August 22, 2024

What is Brahmacharya, and how helpful is it in life or spirituality and meditation?


This word Brahmacharya is probably the most misunderstood word. People somehow link it to ‘preserving sexual energy’, being celibate, transmuting thesexual power’ etc. There is a long history behind all these notions and it is hard to see the light.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What is realization, and what happens when you reach there as per Upanishads?



As per the traditional belief, whatever truth one finds in the Upanishads is an attempt by the Upanishadic sages to explain their experience, that they had when they were in deep state of meditation. That is the realization they arrived at. It is a different matter whether they could describe their experience exactly as they went through it. But anyone who goes on their path, would surely experience the very same truth and it needs no further validation.

What is this realization as per the Upanishads?

Sunday, July 28, 2024

What is realization, and what happens when you reach there – as per Bhagavad Gita?






The Bhagavad Gita has a complete chapter on meditation – chapter 6, Dhyana Yoga. This deals with how someone undertakes this path of realization or attainment of ultimate truth. It also explains what happens when someone reaches the culmination of this path and what is the ultimate truth that one realizes.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Quick update

I am now on Quora. You can follow me on my Quora profile page, or follow my space  and enjoy all interesting questions and answers. You can shoot your own questions if any.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Romance 05. Have you seen my beloved?


Akka Mahadevi is on the final phase of her journey. She wants to make the impossible possible. Though without a body consciousness, she does have a body and that body has its own limitations. It wants to see the formless in some form. That is because it can only perceive forms. It does not understand abstract things.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Romance 04. I swear, you can’t trick me!


In the previous episode, we saw how a young girl namely Mahadevi dared to take on the entire world. She did not care how the worldly people look at her. She discarded all identities, even the identity as a female!

She went around naked without any hesitation or feeling of shame.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Romance 03. He haunts me in my dreams, the curly haired one!


Before we get into this dreaming business, let us start this episode with a startling incident.

It was an assembly of great saints, all of whom had experienced God in their own way. There were men and women who had gathered together to share their individual experiences with each other. They had also come for a serious discussion about how the society can be reformed.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Romance 02. All is fair in love and war!


We were discussing the story of one of most revered mediaeval saints of India, namely Goda. Goda is in love with God! And she has no hesitation to admit it openly. So, she sings expressing her love to God. She imagines herself to be one of the cowherd girls who lived with Krishna, when the God descended on earth in the human form of Krishna.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Romance 01. Romancing the divine!


a Christian or a Muslim may even shudder to think of such a thing. Romance with God?! Maybe it sounds blasphemous. But not in India among Hindus. There, it is perfectly alright to have a ‘love affair with God’. Well, only if you are a female. As a female devotee, it is perfectly all right to look upon God as your male companion, your beloved, your lover.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Thought 41. Yoga is like the reverse of creation



Many modern Yoga teachers define Yoga as union. Union with what? Many definitions have been given. But the fact remains that most of us mean body exercises, when we say Yoga. It is about manipulation of the body, it is about fitness of the body, it is about ‘control’ of the body and its instincts. That is the domain of Hatayoga.

So, what is this union about?

Patanjali Yoga goes a step further. It talks about moving beyond the body and mind. It talks about the soul. And if at all you can use such a word, it talks about uniting with your real self, or attaining Kaivalya – a state where the soul is completely free.

But is that the end? That is what we will be seeing in this episode.



Sunday, February 25, 2024

¿De verdad quieres saber sobre Yoga? Sólo entra (Book talk by guest speaker in Spanish)


Con el tipo de popularidad que ha alcanzado el Yoga estos días, estoy segura de que habrás probado alguna "forma" de Yoga. Probablemente también te haya beneficiado. Pero si quieres saber más sobre lo que el yoga puede hacer y cómo funciona realmente, este episodio es para ti. Por favor sigue escuchando.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Thought 40. Is your mental EPROM corrupted?


Just like our modern-day computers, our minds too have EPROMS with pre-stored instructions that enables us to boot strap, and go on with our lives. These instructions are essential for living. But they become a problem when they somehow get corrupted. Imagine how a computer would behave if its EPROM is corrupted. It just crashes 😉 That would also be our state, if we have a faulty mental EPROM. Before we talk about how the practice of Yoga helps in setting right a corrupted mental EPROM, let us face the fundamental question namely -


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Thought 39. What happens in the final stage of Samadhi?

One goes through a long process of Yoga, following its 8 steps. And finally, he or she attains the state of Samadhi. Is that the end of the journey? What exactly happens at that final stage, in anticipation of which the Yogi had dedicated all his life, going through the arduous practice of Yoga? That is what we are going to discuss in this episode.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

New Book: Amazing Upanishads



Upanishads always fascinated me. For those people who are not familiar, Upanishads are the philosophic parts of the ancient Indian Vedas. And Vedas are probably, the oldest available scriptures of the world. While most Indians view Upanishads with lot of reverence, many westerners, which include well known scientists and intellectuals, consider them as the peak of human intellectual endeavors.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Thought 38. The mind as Patanjali sees it


Yoga is centered around mind. But throughout the discussion about Yoga, Patanjali rarely describes this mind nor how it functions. The reason is that Patanjali assumes the model of the mind as put forth by Samkhya. So, it becomes necessary to know what Samkhya says about the mind in order to fully understand Yoga. In this episode, we will be doing exactly that.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Thought 37. The mind as Buddha saw it


is amazing how ancient Indians were preoccupied with coming up with various theories about the mind. These theories were not aimed at understanding the mind, the way our modern neuroscience does. But they were driven by practical applications.

One such theory of mind was Buddhist theory of mind as recorded in the Buddhist scripture, namely the Abhidamma Pitaka. Based on this theory, Buddhists developed various meditative practices. We will discuss this Buddhist theory of mind in this episode.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Thought 36. What is mind - did you ever mind?


mind is just the brain or is it something mysterious, has always been a point of debate. The more we understand our brain, more we will be closer to understanding the mind, as well as the limitations in our scientific methodology. For more than one reason, it seems that there is something more to the mind than just the brain.

In this episode, we will see why it is necessary to keep an open mind before arriving at any conclusions.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Thought 35. Is there a mind beyond the brain?


the previous episode we stopped at ‘stages of samadhi with awareness’ and showed how all the steps of Yoga till that point can be completely explained in terms of neuroscience. That means, all that can be scientifically verified.
But beyond that point, when one gets into the ‘stages of samadhi without awareness’, we have to leave behind science since our brain has no direct role in those stages.
Does that mean that there is something even beyond brain? That is what I am going to discuss in this episode.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Thought 34. What happens when you meditate?


Contrary to common perception, Yoga has more to do with Meditation than physical exercises. There are lot of misconception about these real aspects of Yoga. Lack of knowledge and willful distortion by many commercially motivated Gurus, have earned the name pseudoscience to Yoga. This is quite unfortunate.
In this episode, we will discuss how the entire Yoga, including the meditation, can be scientifically studied and verified. Our current knowledge of neuroscience and the gadgets that we have at our disposal, empower us to undertake such an objective study.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Thought 33. Some interesting aspects of meditation


In the past episodes we saw how yoga helps in minimizing the thought-wars that generally give rise to stress. But mere stress reduction is not the ultimate goal of Yoga.
In the previous episode we also saw why it is necessary to minimize the thoughts completely to march towards a completely tranquil mind – an entry point to the final goal.
We talked about focusing the mind on specific targets through a process called Dharana – the 6th step of Yoga. Dharana is the precursor to meditation or Dhyana that takes us to the ultimate goal of Yoga.
Before we dive deeply into Dhyana, let us look at some interesting aspects of Dhyana or meditation in this episode.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Thought 32. The Yogic way of fooling the thoughts!


In the past episodes we saw how yoga helps in minimizing stress. Lesser stress means better health. Most people turn to Yoga with that goal. But Yoga is not really about stress reduction, though that is one of its byproducts. There are far more interesting things that Yoga can achieve. It takes us to an altogether new dimension of our existence far beyond mundane. That is achieved by the advanced steps of Yoga that we are going to discuss in this as well as subsequent episodes.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Thought 31. The most important step of Yoga.



Unless you are a novice who is just introduced to Yoga, you probably have noticed that the effectiveness of Yoga practice gradually tapers off over a period of time. It is no longer as effective as it once used to be. Why does that happen?

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Thought 30. Neuroscience of Asana or body postures (Thought soup series)


For most of us asana or body posture is purely a physical thing – stretching, contracting and balancing the body in a specific way. So, you must be wondering what has neuroscience got to do with it! But you may be surprised that even this seemingly physical ‘thing’ has underlying neurological basis! That is what I am going to discuss in this episode.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Thought 29. Neuroscience of Pranayama - the most mystic concept of Yoga (Thought soup series)


In this episode, we will briefly discuss the neuroscience behind many techniques that result in a sharply focused mind – or ‘Ekaagra Citta as Patanjali calls it. Along with the well-known Pranayama of Patanjali, I will touch upon the so called ‘Mindfulness’ techniques as well.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

#Thought 28.# Neuroscience behind the #Yogic step #Pratyahara (Thought soup series)


In this episode, we will briefly discuss the neuroscience behind a very important step of Patanjali Yoga namely Pratyahara. This is an in between stage of ‘mundane’ and ‘spiritual’ steps of Yoga.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Thought 27. She declares that she IS God! (Thought soup series)


The topic of this episode is a strange case where a young girl declares herself to be God. It may sound crazy or height of arrogance, and even blasphemous, in some of the majority religions

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Thought 26. The Man with thousand heads! (Thought soup series)


this episode, we will take up one of the well-known ‘creation hymns’ of the ancient Indian Vedas. But we will be looking at this hymn from a slightly different point of view.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Thought 25: Were ancient Indians aware of BIG BANG theory?

Big bang theory
is the most widely accepted scientific theory about how our universe emerged 13.7 billion years ago. Though there is not much of empirical evidence about this theory yet, except for mathematical derivations, it is most likely to be true. This theory was propounded in the late 1940s and refined in the past few decades.

But what is amazing is that there are seemingly similar descriptions of the origins of the universe, in the more than 5000-year-old Vedas. – the most ancient scriptures of India. In this talk, I will briefly touch upon one such description.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Thought 24: Is Kundalini meditation a myth?

Almost all the meditation practices that are propagated today are based on the idea of Kundalini and associated Chakras. The concept of Kundalini is so popular that one has to think twice before calling it as a myth 😉 It can be viewed as blasphemous!

I had discussed earlier how one of the well-known Gurus of our times, namely Swami Dayananda Saraswati, brushes aside Kundalini based meditation as “not meditation”.

Let me look at this practice a bit more in depth before sharing the views of some of the well-known Yogis of our times, on this idea.