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Friday, November 1, 2019

(Mind01) Mind your own busyness!

When some one fools around a bit too much with a long poky nose, we tell that person - “Mind your own business!”
But unfortunately, or rather, fortunately, Mind IS my BUSYness!

I guess you got what I meant to convey. If you have read my books, you would have seen that most of them revolve around Mind. I am so fascinated by this most marvelous gift that all of us have, namely the Mind. It is a different matter though; we often tend to use it in all wrong ways!

Did I say, “most marvelous”? That is what I think. There is nothing in this world that is more complex than our mind. When I made this statement last time, long, long ago, I remember the retort made by a friend of mine. He said that

Mind appears to be so complex not because it actually is, but because we are trying to understand it using yet another Mind which is in fact very dumb!”.

 A very clever reasoning. I had no reply to this comment. Afterall, he was just admitting how dumb he was!

When I wrote my first book on Mind, namely, “How does the Mind work?”, one of my readers commented that the book is not really about Mind, but about brain! This reader who is a close friend of mine, a highly qualified Allopath, thinks that mind is not brain but something abstract and difficult to define.

Yes, that is what many people believe. For many people, Mind is something that thinks, that imagines, that feels, that has a volition of its own, and so on. If you look up any dictionary, that is what the meaning you find there.

But probably, my doctor friend does not know that all these aspects of our “Mind” have been shown to be just some happenings in our brain.

So, whether you agree or not, most scientists, I mean neuroscientists, view Mind and brain as almost synonymous. They say that the Mind is “Brain in action”. It is like a laptop – a box with so many components, and a running operating system on the laptop that interacts with you, does what you ask it to do, and so on. When the laptop is turned on, it goes “live”. So also, a brain, when it starts functioning. It ‘becomes’ the Mind!

Why am I talking about Mind all of a sudden?

Well, from today, I am going to start a new series of talks around Mind. I am going to look at Mind from various angles – scientific, philosophic, spiritual and many more. Since the subject is quite vast and complex, I am going to adopt a ‘touch and go’ style.

I am only going to give you a flavor, and direct you to some of my books for further details. You can read them depending on your interest. Even those books, let me assure you, are not that technical. You can read them with minimal effort. Overall, it is going to be very enlightening and enjoyable.

People are too busy nowadays, and listening to a long talk, especially when it is loaded, is difficult for most people. That is the kind of feedback I have received. So, I am going to give short snippets and keep directing you to my books that deal with the same subject in greater detail. Well, I am not exactly ‘selling’ my books. But no offense if you think so.

So, let us meet again in the next episode, “Minding our own busyness”!
A series revolving around Mind – Science of Mind, Philosophy of Mind, Notions of reality, Mind modulation, Domains beyond Mind, and so on. © Dr. King 2019

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