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Friday, September 28, 2018

Meditation is the way to remain blissful

In the previous post we saw how a person can be in an ever blissful state by attaining the ultimate realization. But how does one attain this realization?

"This realization is achieved by quietening the mind. Once the mind is calm and peaceful, a person attains the ultimate realization.

One attains such a tranquility of the mind by first developing equanimity towards pleasure and pain, praise and insult, riches and deprivation.

One whose mind is under control finds the mind as the biggest friend. If the mind is not under control, the mind itself becomes the biggest enemy. So one should try to uplift oneself by proper training of the mind. One should not allow the mind to derail oneself.”

This process of restraining the mind is what is referred to as Dhyana or meditation. How does one do that? We will see that next.

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Based on verses 6.7, 6.8,6.6, 6.5 of Bhagavad Geetha, one of the most quoted and widely translated of the ancient Indian scriptures, believed to have been composed by Vyasa as part of the great Indian Epic Mahabharata, 5000 years ago. The interpretation of the verses and audio recital are by Dr.King (Copyright © 2018 Dr. King) 


  1. Respect to author, some fantastic selective information.

  2. There are several studies that affirm this theory. One of them, carried out by the American Lung Society, showed that meditation is even more effective than smoking cessation programs and, in addition, the duration of its effect is even greater than that of traditional treatments. This may be because meditation helps to unlink the desire for the act of smoking.
