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Friday, July 26, 2019

GV8…..How should one indulge in sense pleasures?

Let me continue with more verses from Bhagavad Gita in this episode, taking off from our previous discussion.

As usual, the verses are sung by Padmini Dinesh followed by English interpretations.

Verse 2.64
Abstaining completely from sense pleasures is next to impossible. So, what is the way out?
One should indulge in sense pleasures with complete control over the mind. One should allow neither the sense organs nor the mind to overpower oneself. One should free oneself from both excessive desire and hatred.

Basically, one should enjoy in a restrained way without getting into excessive indulgence. That way, one can be happy.

Verse 2.65

If a person develops a pleasant state of mind, undisturbed by excessive desires, he becomes calm and steady. He is neither perturbed by pleasure nor misery. His discriminating capabilities remain sharply focused.

Verse 2.67

When a boat gets caught in a whirlwind, it perishes sooner or later. In the same way, a mind caught in the mire of distracting and uncontrolled sense pleasures, ultimately gets lost and even destroys the person.

Verse 2.70

In contrast, when someone frees oneself from excessive desires and has complete control over his sense organs and the mind, he experiences unalloyed bliss. A person who runs after sense pleasures, never reaches that state.
It is like the violently flowing rivers calming down when they finally join the sea. The sea remains majestic and undisturbed. That is because it is complete in itself, and never wavers from where it is.

The joining rivers can’t disturb the sea. But they give up their turbulence and calm down once they reach the sea, and become one with it.

So, if you keep chasing sense pleasures, you never get them completely to your satisfaction. But if you stop this mad chase, all pleasures in this world would be at your feet, since you have become the master.

That was Bhagavad Gita verses episode 8

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Based on verses from Bhagavad Gita.  Interpretations are by Dr. King, that are read out. Verses are sung by Padmini Dinesh. © Dr.King  2019.

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